UK Flying Visit (21st - 25th November)
21/11/2013 - 25/11/2013
I'm not going to blog fully about my time in the UK, as it wasn't really part of this world trip, it was a brief break from it, but I don't want to just skip it either.
It was actually really nice being back in the UK for a few days. With having just been ill, I did kind of feel like my body was rejecting Asia, so a few days back home was a welcome change. Just being somewhere familiar for a while was surprisingly wonderful. As much as I love travelling, there are points at which you just need a break.
It was great to see all my family as well - even if it was under such sad circumstances.
Although I was away from The Big Trip for about 6 days - 2 of those were spent travelling, so I didn't really have that long in the UK. It was all a bit fleeting and surreal, but nice nonetheless.
The journey back to Thailand was particularly long as I had a 6 hour stopover in Dubai. Still, as I was feeling much better now, I could at least take advantage of the free alcohol provided by Emirates.
Posted by chantalpatton 05:40 Archived in United Kingdom